
Terms of Service

Proximities B.V. offers her clients high-quality services). In its execution,
Proximities maintains a strict code of conduct. 

This Code of Conduct aims at providing clarity and insight into the professional position and setup of consultants, project-, and/or interim-managers deployed by Proximities, as well as the standards consultants, project-, and/or interim-managers should wield towards clients and all others involved in their work. This Code of Conduct offers a lower limit for the quality of professional practice and personal performance. 

2.1. EXPERTISE: The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager is expected to have demonstrated knowledge and skills necessary for the professional practice of the profession.He/she should regard it as essential to remain informed of developments concerning his/her profession and the market. The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager should be able to explain why he/she prefers a particular approach and is expected to possess the knowledge and skills necessary to implement this approach.

2.2 INDEPENDENCE: The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager is loyal to the organization in which he/she is deployed, while fully preserving his/her professional independence. By being near whilst maintaining a distance, he/she guarantees the best use of his/her professional expertise. He/she maintains his/her independency of the client system in terms of income as well.2.3. INTEGRITYThe concept of ‘integrity’ in relation to the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager contains four main elements.

2.3.1. DECENCY: The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager acts in a way that commands confidence, both within his/her profession as among the customer base. He/she keeps to the law and to what is socially seen as correct.

2.3.2. Diligence Diligence in this context pertains to correctly handling the stakeholders in the assignment. The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager ensures clear communication with all parties involved, whilst continually placing the interests of the organisation first. He/she respectfully and discretely handles all information regarding the organisation. Should he/she obtain information from third parties, he/she ensures not to cause damage to the organisation. Therefore, the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager is careful when selecting informants. 

The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager handles financial aspects carefully and with integrity. Clear agreements are made between all parties involved regarding fees. The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager guards for conflicts of interest and never serves conflicting interests. The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager charges a fee in correspondence with the nature of the assignment and his/her position within the organisation, weighing in risk factors for him/herself.

The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager strives for constructive collegial relations, in light of the quality of service. 

3.1 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager takes due diligence into account during his activities and behaves in a way that promotes trust in his professional group. 

3.2 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager abides the law during his/her activities. 3.3 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager refrains from anything that might harm the respect and dignity of his profession in any way. 

3.4 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager puts his/her knowledge, experience, and expertise to the benefit of the organisation, while maintaining professional independence. If no option toreach his/her own, independent appraisal is provided, he/she will not accept the assignment. If an independent appraisal is hindered during the implementation process, he/she will terminate the assignment. 

3.5 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager ensures to only serve the interests of the organisation within the client system. If personal or business interests are at play that might influence his/her performance, the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager will not accept the assignment. 

4.1 Prior to accepting an assignment, the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager provides clarity on commitments regarding effort and/or results. Prior to commencing the assignment, the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager gathers information on the ‘context’ (in the broadest sense). He/she will decline or end the assignment if the client pursues unlawful objectives. 

4.2 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager only accepts assignments for which he/she is demonstrably qualified. The natureof an assignment is always temporary. The duration of the assignment is such that the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager can maintain the required distance. 

4.3 By accepting the assignment, the full responsibility for its proper execution is accepted as well. 

4.4 The assignment and its execution should bereflected in the contract agreements established on at least:·      Delimitation of content and scope of theassignment;·      Determination of the organisation related to theassignment;·      Powers and responsibilities;·      Determination of individuals or groups that areaccountable; ·      An indication of the duration and expectedresults of the assignment;·      The method of reporting during the assignment;·      Teriod of notice and related conditions;·      Determination of the fee;·      Confidentiality;  The termination of the assignment;   Required/necessary aftercare;  Any complaints procedures agreed upon. 

5.1 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager will try to achieve the desired result for the organisation to the best of his/her abilities. When he/she accepts the assignment, he/she strives for an unambiguous agreement on measurable goals to be achieved. He/she makes it clear to the stakeholders which data, insights, and experiences he/she bases his/her approach on. 

5.2 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager ensures continuity in the implementation of the assignment in the unlikely event he/she drops out. He/she regards evaluation by the client system, both during and at the end of the assignment, essential to the implementation process. He/she carries out the assignment in a way that the position occupied by him/her in the organisation is transmissible to a (permanent) successor. 

6.1 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager exercises due diligence regarding the use of information provided to or uncovered by him/her. With any transfer of information, he/she conceals sources where necessary. Should he/she possess price-sensitive foreknowledge, he/she can never be involved, directly or indirectly, with the company’s trading stocks. He/she should be aware at all times that Proximities’ or the client’s statements and communication of sensitive information is not bound to workplace, work hours, and project duration. Confidentiality concerns verbal and written statements, as well as media carriers that store these statements. 

7.1 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager can, if initiated by the employee, refer a client’s employee to Proximities, with due consideration of the following: he/she will never accept payment for arranging a job for an employee of the organisation; the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager refrains from directly approaching employees for a job elsewhere, unless the desire to change jobs has been demonstrably expressed by the party concerned. 

8.1 Integrity is paramount to PROXIMITIES and her services, by complying with the highest professional standards, providing solid advice, and ensuring independence. Proximities expects this integrity to be carried out and observed by her employees and third parties deployed by her. 

8.2 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager is considered to maintain his/her objectivity, meaning that he/she will never engage in improper influences, and therefore will avoid any relations that might corrupt an independent and professional judgment.

8.3 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager will execute the assignment at all times with common sense and good judgment,as well as in line with their responsibilities, and respecting and complying with standards and values, according to both letter and spirit and the prevailing culture of his/her working environment. 

8.4 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager will refrain from undertaking activities and/or action(s) that might negatively influence Proximities’ and/or her clients’ interests and/or reputation. 

8.5 The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager is never involved with corruption, bribing, extortion, and embezzlement, nor does he/she tolerate these activities. Therefore, no propositions will be made or accepted which might lead to an unfair or improper advantage. Such improper proposals might consist of cash, non-monetary gifts, pleasure trips, or services and facilities of another nature. The consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager will not perform or omit actions in violation of the law. Should the consultant, project-, and/or interim-manager be approached for these kinds of activities, he/she should report this to the Business Manager immediately. 

8.6 The above constitutes an illustrative and non-exhaustive list of Proximities’ core values. Each violation of this Code of Conduct or other misconduct might lead to punitive measures, up to immediate termination of the employment or agreement of contract. 

PROXIMITIES is registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce Gooi & Eemland with the following registration number: 3209.09.81 PROXIMITIES BV